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Free online novel writing software for NaNoWriMo

You know NaNoWriMo is going to be here before you know it, right? Now’s the time to get a jump start on prepping your novel before the writing process begins in November. Don’t waste writing time figuring out scenes, characters, plotlines, and all that jazz  in the heat of Nano — it’ll just slow you down and maybe make you miss your goal. You don’t want that.

What you might want is a free, web-based novel organizer to help you through the planning process. That’s right, Hiveword is now free so you can use it any day, any time, any where, as much as you want for no cost. Use it for Nano or any novel you might be working on.

I hope you find it valuable in planning your novels. If you like Hiveword and the Writer’s Knowledge Base why not help out your friends by spreading the word? Both resources may help them with their novels and I’d appreciate it immensely. Thanks and good luck during November!

