You can now search everything in Hiveword Plus!
What do I mean by everything? Well, I’ll say it again: Everything. 😉
You can quickly search characters, scenes, settings, items, story summaries, plotlines, chapters, notes, journal entries, custom types/fields, and tags. In other words, everything.
There’s now a little search box at the top of every page:
Upon searching you’ll see the results page:
The search reaches across everything you have in Hiveword. So, you’ll see hits for journal entries and other things that aren’t attached to stories. You’ll also see hits across stories but the sample screenshot only shows one story.
While search seems like a simple thing these days, I am really excited to have it because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had trouble finding something. Now, that something can’t hide. 😉
I hope you like this new feature as much as I do!
(NOTE: Search is available in Hiveword Plus which is an upgrade from basic Hiveword.)