
Gender and Sexual Orientation

Just a quick update… Gender Boy, have I gotten email for having just Male and Female in the gender dropdown! So, now, by popular demand, you can specify anything you’d like for gender. Sexual Orientation There’s now a field for tracking a character’s sexual orientation. There ya go — short and sweet. I hope you like these changes and keep the requests coming!  

Character Name Generation

Ever struggle to come up with character names? Sometimes they just pop into your head wrapped in a bow. That’s pretty rare, though, at least for me. Other times I’ll see something and be inspired with a character name. (And sometimes I’ll even remember to jot it down!) More often than not, though, it’s painful to come up with character names, especially on demand. Fortunately, technology can come to our aid. If you’re old-school you probably already have a megadump of your local phone company’s database right there in your kitchen. On printed paper, no less! Just pop open that phone book and randomly point to somewhere on a page.… Read More »Character Name Generation